Our impassioned calling.

From our pioneering line of vacuum cleaners, which have made it into a hundred million homes worldwide, to our sovereign Sunshine Service Stations that dot every major motorway — from South Korea to South Africa, Norway to Namibia, London to Laos, California to Calcutta.

From our thousands of Contemplation Sanctums and Cognitive Readjustment Retreats, to our autonomous delivery drones, and our friendly armada of orbiting satellites that watch over us all.

The Sunshine Solutions Global conglomerate has evolved far beyond its humble beginnings in 1987, when the Celestial Body Sunwoo first brought Sunshine into our lives, in honour of his most treasured ascended Sun-hee (“may she linger in the light”).

Today, Sunshine Global Appliances is at the forefront of Intelligent Assistance. Our trailblazing SunHI — the world’s smartest companion — lives inside more than a billion devices: always listening, always learning, always serving our consumers — serving humanity — with a happy “Hello Sunshine”, a bright smile, a vast network of intelligence, and a firm guiding hand. Just like Sunwoo Jae-in always envisioned.

For our employees, Sunshine is not just an employer — it’s a Happy Extended Family, a Way of Life. Once you join Sunshine, you will never want another job. And with our revolutionary Glowbucks (we call them “Glows”) our employees have been liberated from the corrosive constraints of “money”.

Sunshine’s future is Brighter than ever, even with the looming threats that endanger our customers. With SunHI in control, and our powerful Sunshine Peacekeeping Solutions fighting the good fight on the global front lines for the safety and security of our friends and families, we are all of us In Good Hands!